19.09.2019 - 17.11.2019
Atonal 9 Solo brings together 9 artists, who are in search of alternative social coexistence, small-scale autonomous structures, escape points, and ways of individual existence.
Artists offer an atonal proposition as their survival practices against what life offers us. Why do the 21st-century individuals feel as if they are missing something, they are distracted and fearful of the future. There is a need to create tolerance for conscious mistakes as a reaction to the dull and fake consumer society. There is a need to create conscious dysfunctionalities within all its functional structures using daily hack practices. Or how is it possible to make insoluble issues such as ecological problems, identity, and culture-related conflicts visible to the public? The exhibition invites the audience to revive the spiritual power of arts on body, technique, space, and society by creating survival kits against the absurdity of the whole and reality.
With this exhibition, Barın Han joined back the cultural scene. Turkey’s leading calligraphy and binding expert Emin Barın’s studio, which was not in use for a long time, is reformed to be a center for culture and arts with the initiative of his family. The building, which is centrally located in Çemberlitaş, was a place that had an impact on the production process of many significant artists who come together on Thursday meetings every week to discuss arts, production, and daily issues. Atonal 9 Solo aimed to bring a similar spirit back to Çemberlitaş.

Curator: Bengü Gün
Artists: Cins, Eda Soylu, Emre Zeytinoglu, Fulya Çetin, İrfan Önürmen, Merve Denizci, Metin Ünsal, Numan Okutan, Rafet Arslan