S A Y E ’ N I Z D E


Sayenizde is a digital monument dedicated to women who have created an artistic impact since the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey. The term “Saye,” with its connotations of protection and sponsorship, signifies the essence and purpose of the exhibition.

The rich visual archives were carefully compiled through collaboration with the Istanbul Women's Library. Transformed into an immersive and interactive experience by the Decol team, this archive comes alive, inviting the audience to explore and interact. The interactive video installation is situated in a room that is separated from the main performance hole using semi-transparent curtains inviting the audience in. On both sides of the screens, mirror walls are built to create a feeling of an endless room, repeating videos and images to infinity. A bespoke sound composition is produced by Hazal Döleneken, blending the voices of late female composers with contemporary musicians.

All visitors who encounter themselves in the mirrors add a piece to the stories they see, integrate with them in a spatial dimension, and become part of an idea that has touched and inspired everyone’s lives throughout history. You can click here to watch the documentation.


Curator & Project Manager: Bengü Gün

Experience Design & Producer: DECOL Media Arts Studio

Creative Music Design: Hazal Döleneken

Researchers: Zeynep Yavucezzar, İdil Çelik

Digital Archive: Istanbul Women’s Library

Commissioned by: Vestel